Online teaching |
Online teaching | More information |
Conduct online meetings and webinars using Zoom To the tool | Instruction | More information | Deletion management |
Record your lectures (at home or in the lecture hall), and edit and manage recordings with Panopto To the tool | Instructions for Installation and Use | Instructions for Use in the Lecure Hall | Deletion management |
Learning platforms and online courses |
Use ADAM, the learning platform of the University of Basel | More information | Fact sheet ADAM items | To the tool | Deletion management |
Key texts for the respective semester for ADAM on DigiLit | To the tool |
Evaluate, examine and vote |
Evaluate courses using EvaSys | More information |
Create and evaluate online surveys using ADAM, ADAMtools or EvaSys | ADAM | ADAMtools | EvaSys |
Detect plagiarism using Turnitin | More information |
Digital examinations with EvaExam or ADAM EXAM | More Information |
Let students vote in the lecture hall using KlickerUZH | To the tool |
Conduct live polls within lectures or seminars using ADAM, Zoom or KlickerUZH | Decision support |
Video annotation |
Annotate videos with TRAVIS GO | To the tool |
Research and publication |
Reference management programs | More information |
Research in catalogs, online databases, etc. with the research tools of the University Library | More information |
Find knowledge organisation systems on BARTOC | To the tool |
Student administration and rooms |
Register for courses and administer the study course using Online-Services | More information |
Administer courses and assess performances using Online-Services | More information |
Book teaching rooms using Rauminfo | To the tool |
Secure exchange of data |
Exchange large data files using SWITCHfilesender | To the tool | More Information |
Use the secure cloud service for Swiss universities, SWITCHdrive | To the tool | More Information |
Internet and access |
Connect to the internet everywhere at the university of Basel via Wi-Fi | To the tool |
Access the internet at universities worldwide with Eduroam | To the tool |
Access the network of the University of Basel over VPN | To the tool |
Access the online rescources of Swiss universities using AAI | To the tool |
Further information and support
For further information about these EduTools please contact, or for technical support.
For software installation on your computer please contact your department's respective CV (Computerverantwortliche) List of CVs.